Saturday, August 18, 2012

Adjusting to College Life

So here I am! Trying to manage through my first few days of college. It hasn't really hit me yet since I haven't had any academic classes, it has mostly been random socials and welcome week planned events. So far, I'm really excited to live and go to school down here in Oxford. I get along with my roommate really well and we've started to find some people in our hall with similar interests and intentions.

Move in day was an adventure. My family had to leave by noon so that my brother could get to marching band in time back home, so my roommate, Ashton's, parents helped us unpack more after they left. We were lucky enough to get a room on the corner, which means two windows and plenty of space, but we still struggled to find a place for everything at the start since we both brought so much.
Everything is organized now though! We'll see how long that lasts...

The top is Ashton's end of the room and the bottom is mine! It was difficult to get everything into one picture. 

We've already has plenty of adventures. Neither Ashton nor I knew many people when coming here, so we've basically been hanging out together and meeting new people. 

On Thursday night we were supposed to have a block party outside, but it was raining so it ended up being moved inside of the rec center. That was so crowded it was crazy, and it was dark and raining when we were trying to walk home. Our dorm is off of main campus and we have to walk through a wooded bridge to get back. In the rainy darkness, it was interesting and creepy at the same time. During the day though, it's absolutely beautiful! 

Yesterday, there was another party planned but we didn't know what was going on so we and our new friend Alicia decided to head uptown to get some ice cream. We were leaving when everyone was just arriving to go party. We were surprised how basically no one was in our hall since everyone left to go hit the clubs or find a frat party, but gladly we found some people down the hall and talked to them for awhile. 

I'm so relieved that I'm finding people who did not go to college to drink, it's reinforcing my hope that I will not become the preppy, drunk Miami stereotype.

Oh well, there's a concert tonight and a Class of 2016 group picture being held on the football field, let's see how those go!

~ Valerie

Oh, and apparently I have a slight Chicago accent, woo!

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