Sunday, September 16, 2012


One aspect about Miami University that I worried a lot about before my arrival was its "preppy" stereotype. With the dominant greek life and typical rich white kid presence, the nickname "J Crew U" loomed over my head, making me worry that I would not fit in.

However, after living here and experiencing the University first hand, I realized that it is really not as big of a deal as everyone makes it. I may only own a few clothing outfits from J Crew (I had to from when I worked there for two weeks), but my wardrobe is perfectly fine here.

I mean, I have not seen many people wearing pajama clothes to class. Although, I have seen girls wearing Nike running shorts with tank tops or t-shirts, but still. The fact that most students actually try to look decent when they go to class sends another signal to me other than preppy. It tells me that students actually care about school and at having others perceive them professionally. Especially since I already care about how I look, and I would never be able to wear sweatpants to class, I fit in just by not looking like I just rolled out of bed.

Although, my friends did have me buy a couple shirts that would be considered more preppy, so I thought it would not hurt to play along every once in awhile. But my mom also had me buy a pair of Sperrys and riding boots so I could have a more typical "Miami" look at times. I was not worried about fitting in as much, but I really did need more shoes.

However, I am surrounded by all sorts of people already. My roommate Ashton reminds me a lot of my friend Gaby from home. They both care about fashion and love wearing dresses, and are willing to help me out in that fashion regard. However, my friend here, Courtney, primarily wears t-shirts. I am a bit in between. So, you really can be yourself here despite the stereotype. Nobody is going to judge you for not wearing designer clothing. Sure, I see people wearing polos and J Crew, but it is not as dominant and pressuring as I had worried.

~ Valerie

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