Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weekend Life

After experiencing relatively typical, homework filled weekends, I finally had one more memorable. This past weekend began with a concert on Friday! This made me wish I was with my concert-junkie friends at home. Concerts just are not the same without them...

The headliner was Parachute, but a few of my friends here at Miami looked into the band directly under Parachute, called South Jordan. Excuse the quality of this picture of them, but concert photography with an iPhone is not always the best. We ended up leaving a bit early because my friends are not used to surroundings involved with a concert. After the fact, I was kind of upset because we did not meet any of the band members, but I know that once I get home and go to a concert with my friends there, it will be another great experience.

Saturday was definitely where some memories lie. My friends Courtney and Ashton joined me to attend the first home football game against Southern Illinois University. Although we did not stay the whole time since we had to get some work done, I still enjoy getting together with friends and attending those games. Besides, we won! Although, I cannot wait for hockey season to start! Hockey is the main sport here, so those games will be intense and so much fun.

That night, we got invited to go to a party at an off-campus house. A little hesitant, we got ready and went anyway. I guess we were feeling adventurous. And boy, did we get an adventure. Well, we actually did not even make it to the party because us three got separated from the other people we knew who were in the group. We were not about to follow a flock of people that we did not know to some house party, so we left the group and went to a coffee house instead! It was perfectly fine with us, and that hot chocolate was delicious. Ashton and I kept saying that we wanted to go out just to get dressed up, anyway, and we got to do just that!

Sunday, there was an afternoon get-together at my orchestra conductor's house for the new members to attend. It consisted of information about our New York trip as well as what was coming after. However, the most amusing aspect was when his two young boys took us on a "ghost tour" of their two sheds and bathroom. They were so enthused and pent up on scaring us. We had to crawl behind this shed into that fenced area to the left, which was interesting because I chose to wear a dress that day. The some of the boys in the tour group with me were really getting into it and making it even more entertaining. I'm sure my conductor's sons enjoyed taking us on the tour, I definitely enjoyed experiencing it!

Oh well, now that that craziness is over, back to school. My first Spanish exam is tomorrow, I better start studying!

~ Valerie 

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